Indexation of ASIC Fees Effective 1 July 2023

This blog was written prior to our merger, and the contact information refers to our CCASA website. To contact us, please email

ASIC Fees Indexation Effective 1 July 2023

ASIC increases its fees each year based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the previous March quarter. So, from 1 July 2023 a new fee index will apply to company lodgement documents. Prime Company Compliance however won’t be increasing any fees at this time, unless an ASIC fee is included in the service, in which case, the overall fee will reflect the increase in ASIC’s fee.

For example, registering a new business name currently includes an ASIC fee of $92. From 1 July 2023 ASIC will increase this amount to $98, and hence our total fee for this service will also increase by $6. It’s not going to break the bank, but it’s important to understand what documents will be affected and how this will impact your company.

What documents do you need when registering a company?

It’s crucial that you understand what documents are required to be in your company binder at the time of incorporation. Getting this wrong means you are in breach of the Corporations Act 2001. You are required to have registers, minutes, certificates and of course a constitution…and there’s more!
Unfortunately, ASIC will not advise you on exactly what’s needed or how to create these documents. Engaging a company compliance specialist like Prime Company Compliance takes the worry out of your set-ups and compliance and makes sure you tick all the important legal boxes.

What are the new fees for commonly lodged documents?

  • Incorporating a New Company (F201) $576
  • Reserving a Company Name (F410) $59
  • Changing a Company Name (F205) $474
  • Applying to deregister (F6010) $47
  • Business Name Application (1 year) $42
  • Business Name Application (3 years) $98
  • Annual Review Fee (Pty Ltd) $310
  • Annual Review Fee (special purpose) $63

What determines the fees?

  • Corporations (Fees) Regulations 2001
  • Corporations (Review Fees) Regulations 2003
  • National Consumer Credit Protection (Fees) Regulations 2010
  • Business Names Registration (Fees) Regulations 2011
  • Superannuation Auditor Registration Imposition Regulation 2012

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