Our Story
The Prime-CCASA merger combines two of the highest profile, leading providers of company compliance services in Australia.
We are proud to merge the leading expertise from both companies with Prime’s corporate compliance software. We have also merged with industry search leader ‘eSearch’ (now Prime Search) to provide a comprehensive all in one corporate compliance services package for businesses.
Prime Consulting
Prime consulting began in 1990 with the aim of providing tailored solutions to the corporate compliance services industry. All lodgements with ASIC follow the same protocol, it’s the ease of the process that’s fundamental. Prime Consulting has always had a technology driven and focused response to company compliance, saving businesses countless hours, and resources.

CCASA was established as a father-son company in 2002, with 1000% growth over 20 years, it grew into one of Australia’s leading company compliance services. With a key philosophy of ‘helping out the little guy’ and providing small businesses with the resources of large companies at affordable prices.

eSearch was established in 2005 to provide a favourable accountholder means for its customers to source their company information. They are an ASIC-approved information broker and provide all available online extracts and documents in various format types and at competitive prices. The search services extend to other government agencies’ data searching including the Australian Business Register (ABR), New Zealand Company and United Kingdom Company searches.
Prime Products
Whether you are appointing a new director or changing shareholders, we organise the corporate compliance services.
Our DIY platform allows your business to source company information and complete compliance requirements.
Establish new business entities such as companies, trusts and SMSFs.
Company and Director Searches for Know Your Customer & Due Diligence reports will be at your fingertips.