Prime Search - Report Content

PrimeSearch is your gateway to all your company search information requirements. Access company information and reports through PRIME Search (ASIC-approved Information Broker).

As an ASIC-approved information broker, PRIME Search has direct access to a range of searches including
companies,people and documents. PRIME Search services extends to other government agencies data including Australian Business Register (ABR),New Zealand and United Kingdom company searches.

Start your Search

ASIC Search:

  • Company Extract – current, historical and historical relational
  • Personal Extract
  • Business Search (ABR)
  • Business Name Extract – current and historical
  • Business Name Holder Extract – person and organisation
  • Document Image Search

Order History

Content: Your complete order history, with sort and search functionality for ease of reference.

Our enhanced Order History tab is designed to provide seamless access to your search order history. With our sort and search functionality, you can effortlessly locate and review previous search orders.

Company Extract search

Content: Select from Current, Historical and Historical Relational company extracts.

Current Company Extracts provide a complete set of organisation information including:

  • Current company directors, secretaries, auditors, liquidators, and administrators (if appointed)
  • Current registered office addresses and current principal place of business
  • Current officeholders including details of offices held and dates of appointment
  • Current shareholders including details of shareholdings (excluding public companies)
  • Document details on all forms lodged with ASIC

Historical Company Extracts includes both current and previous information of the organisation including:

  • Current and former company names
  • Current and previous company directors, secretaries, auditors, liquidators, and administrators (if appointed)
  • Current and previous registered office addresses and principal place of business
  • Current and previous officeholders including offices held and dates of appointment and cessation
  • Current and previous shareholders including details of shareholdings (excluding public companies)
  • Document details on all forms lodged with ASIC

Company Relational Extracts provides information in respect to a Company’s relationship with other Companies. The relational Information includes where applicable:

  • Company details in which the relationship is held
  • Current and previous details of shareholdings held
  • Current and former officeholder roles held (if applicable)

Current and previous Licences (eg. AFSL) held

Personal Extract search

Content: Personal Extract search provides a list of names and birth dates in respect to the user-requested person name and birth date entered. Users can select single or multiple entries from the search list for the one price.

Personal Extract search provides information in respect to a person(s) relationship with other Companies. The relational information includes where applicable:

  • Current and former officeholder roles held in the respective companies
  • Current and former licences (eg. AFSL) held
  • Current and former details of shareholdings held
  • Person document details

Business search

Content: Search the Australian Business Register (ABR) for information regarding an individual or organisation. The search can be tailored to a particular State or Nationwide.

Your results will include:

  • A list of matching search results that detail ABN, Name, Status and Location
  • You can select the appropriate business from here to view their ABR information
  • Information includes their ABN, ACN (if applicable), registration status, effective date of the ABN, Company, Business Name and locality

Business Name Extract search

Content: Search for a business name with a registered/cancelled status. You may select a current or historical search and will receive the following information:

  • Current business name details (name, date registered, status, cancellation under review, next renewal date and the regulator)
  • former state and territory registration details
  • current address for service of documents (historical search includes additional historic address information)
  • current principal place of business (historical search includes additional historical address information)
  • business name holder name and type
  • business representative names (debtor representatives and notified successor only) (historical search includes historic information)

Content: Search across a variety of business names in ASIC for a person/organisation that matches the relevant name.

Order an extract by selecting the relevant person/organisation and your results will include:

  • current person/organisation name details
  • role/s held
  • current business name details
  • former state and territory registration details
  • current address for service of documents
  • current principal place of business
  • business name holder type
  • joint venture partner details (if applicable)

Holder Extract Search

Document Image Search 

A copy of any Company document lodged with the ASIC is available. Two price levels are available based on the number of pages within the specified document image (less than 10 pages, 10 pages or greater).


Know Your Customer

The Know Your Client/Customer (‘KYC’) is a standard in the investment industry that ensures investment advisors know detailed information about their client’s risk tolerance, investment knowledge, and financial position.

The Prime KYC report provides a comprehensive overview of your customer and comprises the following information:

  • Entity registration information
  • Credit risk summary
  • Registered office and principal place of business
  • Share structure
  • Directorships and officeholders, cross directorships
  • Documents lodged with ASIC (listing provided, documents may be purchased separately)
  • Credit risk including court actions, payment defaults etc.
  • Politically Exposed Persons

Due Diligence

The Due Diligence (‘DD’) report provides a powerful insight into an organisation. Building on the information covered in the KYC report, the DD report includes additional information pertaining to:

  • Intellectual Property information with details regarding patents, trademarks, and domain names
  • PPSR list of registrations
  • Ultimate beneficial owner including anti-money laundering